Hello bloggers,
In this blog post I will describe why I want to do flax weaving. Flax weaving is when you take flax and weave it.
I want to do flax weaving because it is interesting and you an make anything out of it. Not many people know how to do flax weaving so I want to know how to. It was one of the many things I wanted to do.
Thank you for coming to my blog. Please give me feedback. Do you want to do flax weaving? Comment it. BYE!!
Talofa Vitaraag,
ReplyDeleteI really like that you are willing to try new things, that is really awesome especially with all the amazing things there are to try in our world. Weaving takes a lot of patience and practise but as long as you are ready to learn weaving techniques and patterns over time, you will create some beautiful items!
Maybe next time you could talk about what you would like to weave out of your flax. Is there anything you’d like to make? It helps to think about who you want to make something for first..
I would love to weave more often, I have weaved with plastic and flax before and it takes a lot of patience. One day I want to weave a fala (mat) for my family, we used to have lots in our house but not so much now. I would also love to weave my Mum, sisters and niece an Ili (fan), my Grandparents had so many beautiful ili that had the most vibrant colours.
Toe feiloa'i fo'i,