
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Summer Learning Journey Activity 2 Day 3 Week 3

Hello bloggers,
Today we are going to talk about a superpower I want to have. There is a bat in Australia called the flying fox. It sleeps in the morning and hunts at night. It's superpower is it's hearing. It uses it to guide it through the night. To be honest I want to have every power in the world that is good. But today I will share my most favorite one.

I want to be able to be invisible because if I don't want to play outside I can use my invisibility to go inside and play inside. I can use it to steal stuff. For example lets say I want chips but we have none I can use my invisibility and steal it from the shop. PS: I would never do that it was just a joke. If I can't sleep because it is to loud I can sneak into a hotel room and sleep invisible.

Thank you for coming to my blog. Please give me feedback. What superpower do you want? Comment it. BYE!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vitaraag,

    It's Leslie here, reading your blog from my home in Canada as a member of the Summer Learning Journey team. And I'm relieved to know that you were joking about stealing chips. Whew!!

    To be invisible would be very cool, wouldn't it? You could be there, but not be there. Think of all the interesting conversations you'd over-hear....

    On the other hand, I wouldn't want to be invisible all of the time - I'd miss being a part of my family and friends' lives. They wouldn't talk with me if they couldn't see me, I suspect.

    My choice of superpower might be to be able to sing in such a way that everyone who hears me would be uplifted and inspired to be happy. Now that would be amazing!!

    I hope you're enjoying all of these activities and the chance they give you to think outside the box about things like superpowers.

    Keep up your hard work!!




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