
Monday, January 14, 2019

Summer Learning Journey Activity 3 Day 4 Week 4

Hello bloggers,
Today we are going to talk about outside of NZ. We are going to talk about Machu Picchu. To reach there you have to go on a train or walk through valleys and mountains to go there. Lots of tourists come and walk through Machu Picchu. But that damages the area so the government said that they are going to restrict the  amount of people going there every year. I have to tell you if I think the rule is fair that the government made.

I think that it is fair because they still allow people to go there but they lowered it. If they didn't make this rule Machu Picchu would of been wrecked. I still think it is also a little unfair because it is a very slim chance that you re going to be allowed to go there. I think soon that the government should find a solution. For example they could put a drone in it and look around the mountain or something like that. What solutions can you think of?

Thank you for coming to my blog. Please give me feedback. Do you think this is a fair rule? Comment it. BYE!!


  1. Kia Ora Vitaraag

    My name is Araura and I am from Wesley primary school. I am also taking part in the Summer Learning journey.

    sorry, but I have to disagree with you I think this is unfair because not many people get to have this experience. It would be kinda good for others.

    But I will agree on you by get wrecked from all the people that are visiting.

    Anyways keep up the amazing work

    Yours sincerely

  2. Hi Vitaraag,

    This is Leslie, a member of the Summer Learning Journey team, impressed by your creative thinking around how to allow people to 'visit' Machu Picchu without causing wear and tear on the pathways and the ancient ruins.

    Having a drone take photos that can be shared is a great idea!! Well done.
    There will be those who really want the experience of climbing the mountain and seeing the ancient city with their own eyes. But we over-tourism is a real problem and so we have to accept that we may not be able to visit every spot on the planet that we're interested in.

    I applaud the government in Peru for having a long-term view, wanting to protect and preserve Machu Picchu for future generations. I hope that others will do that for other sacred sites.

    I hope you're having a really nice summer day! and I'll continue to enjoy reading your blog.




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