
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Wild thing description

Hello bloggers,
For literacy we were writing a description about a book called Where the Wild Things are by Maurice Sendak. Miss Percy gave us several wild things to choose. Once we picked one we write a description about it. Our goal was to use descriptive nouns and verbs (interesting vocabulary) and to vary my sentence beginners.

Here is my writing
As the wild things swing through the treetops they stare with their devil eyes. My wild thing has horns like a devil. His hair is like moss sagging down. He has lobster like claws. His brutal nails are really harsh. His nostrils are as dark as a ghoulish cave. His body is as big as a boulder and can camouflage in a gloomy environment. As you stare into this mysterious creature it is like a bowling ball trying to squash you. The wild things gaze at you with an alarming look.

Image result for where the wild things are images
This was drawn by Maurice Sendak.
Thanks for checking out my blog make sure to check my writing. Come back every week to see what I have been up to. Can you guess my wild thing? BYE!!

Friday, August 3, 2018

Emoji writing about holidays

Hello bloggers,
Today I am sharing some writing that is about my holidays. I did this at school but it is about my holidays. There are some emojis that you will have guess. By that I mean you have to guess what they mean.

In the holidays it was my brothers πŸŽ‚ and for his 🎁 he got a πŸ”­. Every night that is not cloudy my brother goes outside to the front of the house with his πŸ”­and looks at the πŸŒ•. When he finds the πŸŒ• all my πŸ‘¨‍πŸ‘©‍πŸ‘¦‍πŸ‘¦ members come outside to look at the πŸŒ• through theπŸ”­. We saw Jupiter,Mars and Saturn. On the last day of the 🏫 holidays we saw Saturn and it rings and whenever I see a planet I jump up and down. I felt so excited when I see something in the πŸ”­. I thought that I should be an πŸ‘¨‍πŸš€.

Thanks for checking out my blog. Make sure you come back for updates about my school life.
Try to guess all my emojis.
